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The virus went down to D.C. and cast his vote for gun control. He smiled, virtuous and true, as liberal-minded lawmakers both cowered and...

Gone Guys

They shut us down, and you melted. Seeped into the sidewalk, your back to the once-inviting lane. Where did you go? Did you disappear?...

Not a Mama Bear

I am not a mama bear, I don’t care. I don’t think children walk on air. Instead they dare, their tempers flare, They run amok and pull...

Corona come and (please) go.

The virus came and I broke. "She's falling apart," I heard it said - horse's mouth and all. "Don't let it steal your joy." "You can't...

The Goodness of Little Men

I saw him bike up the path toward the playground crawling with kids - kids much younger than he. No matter. Off the bike he flew - a...

Introduction, please.

Hi. I’m Carissa Lamkahouan, freelance journalist, editor, copywriter, and owner of Carissa Writes It All, a consulting writing business....

Blog: Blog2
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